JS story

Jaroslav Svoboda (JS),

I have been working in hospitality services for more than 30 years. I studied at vocational school in Lomnice – Tisnov and at the Hotel High School in Prague. Since I was 18 I have worked in different positions for several hotels and restaurants in the Czech Republic and abroad, trying to get as much experience as possible, as a waiter, cook, receptionist and housekeeping supervisor. I have always been ambitious and eager to learn new things in my profession.

After 5 working years I was promoted to the F&B manager position in a few leading Prague restaurants.

When I was 26 years old I started a new position as a Sales Assistant and after a half a year I was promoted to the position of Sales Manager in the Conference and Event Centre in Prague Old Town.

My work engaged my clients and colleagues and I was recommended to a new position as a Hotel Director (70-room Hotel) in an international hotel chain. I was hard working and managed to gain new hotels for my employer.


When I was 28 years old I finally started my own business and together with my English colleague we founded CZECH INN HOTELS.  At first, we leased one small regional hotel and shortly after added more hotels. Very soon our company became the biggest hotel chain in the region, with 5 hotels and 3 restaurants. In 2008, when the credit crunch started we managed to get our 1st hotel in Prague, which had been our long term goal since we founded the company. Within the next 3 years we added another 5 Prague hotels. In 2013 we bought shares in one of the most prestigious Prague hotels (then Kempinski), which is now also operated by our company. In 2014 CZECH INN HOTELS made an investment in a 5-star property in the city centre of Lisbon. And in 2015 we bought another Prague hotel, Dorint Don Giovanni, one of the biggest hotels in the city.

One year later CZECH INN HOTELS managed to accommodate more than 1 Million hotel guests in Prague and become one of the biggest hotel companies in the capital. Today our hotel chain has 26 hotels (2,600 guest rooms and 6,000 beds) and several restaurants.


I still love my job and am really happy to have such a great, young and perceptive team. My colleagues and I want to continue to be a growing company with committed employees who want to improve themselves and the services we provide to our guests. My wish is to serve the best possible way and also to teach my younger colleagues and friends. 


Strategie 2022

Poskytujeme hotelové a gastronomické služby návštěvníkům nejen
v ČR, ale i v zahraničí, s důrazem na lidskost

• Chceme být stále rostoucí hotelová společnost s angažovanými
a loajálními zaměstnanci, kteří se chtějí dále rozvíjet a zlepšovat
• Chceme poskytovat „lidské“ služby v kvalitě o 1 hvězdičku vyšší,
než je zařazení každého hotelu

• Počet hotelů – více než 30!
• Počet ubytování – více než 1.200.000 hostů za rok
• Udržení pozice největší „ubytovatel“ v ČR
v počtu ubytovaných hostů
• Dobré provozní výsledky


Spokojený host je naším cílem. Našim hostům chceme poskytovat
takové služby a zážitky, aby se na další návštěvu v našich hotelech
a restauracích těšili a také ji doporučovali.

To, co děláme, děláme dobře, efektivně, kvalitně. Rozvíjíme se,
abychom svoji práci dělali ještě lépe.

Chceme být ještě větší společností, ubytování i stravování
poskytovat většímu počtu hostů ve větším počtu hotelů.

Jednáme vždy v souladu s etickými pravidly. Snažíme se vytvářet
a udržovat dobré vztahy se všemi spolupracovníky a obchodními
partnery – jejich respektováním, podporou, čestným, etickým
a slušným jednáním